The Road...

To Cancer Free
I'm often asked exactly what kinds of treatment I had for my specific breast cancer. When I look at it listed in this manner, it seems to simplify the whole entire process. That being said, it was this protocol that led me to hear the words "Cancer Free".

January 2014 (Pre-Chemo) Surgery for port placement, multiple biopsies, PET Scan, X-rays, Echo-cardiogram, and complete blood panel.

6 Rounds: TCH (Taxotere, Carboplatin, Herception) and Perjetta:  January 2014- May 2014

Herceptin: January 2014 - December 2014

Radical Double Mastectomy with tissue expanders placed: June 2014

33 Radiation Therapy Treatments: August 2014 - September 2014

Reconstructive Surgery- Gel Implants: March 2015